Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Faroe Islands - Part 2

Day 2 in the Faroe Islands

For two days in a row now, I have woken up with the feeling that I can't really be in such an amazing and improbable place. I'm not sure I will ever get used to it, and honestly I'm not so sure that I would want to. It's hard to imagine what the locals feel about living every day here.

Boat Tour of Bird Cliffs around Vestmanna

Our first planned stop for the day was in Vestmanna, for a boat tour of the bird cliffs. Those who know me are fully aware of my dislike of the water, but I decided that I was just going to suck it up and not worry about it.  I'm only afraid of water, not boats; I figure that if one has to be on a boat, having a Faroese crew running the boat will probably give you the best chance of not being in the water.

The tour was pretty amazing. We did see a lot of birds, but I won't talk much about them here for two reasons.  First, I know next to nothing about birds (other than that they fly, and I've heard that some birds can't fly, so I don't even know that).  Second, birds are really hard to capture on film (at least, the ones who fly are hard to photograph...I bet the flightless birds, if there are such things, are easier).  But I still thought the cliffs were pretty impressive.

This photo doesn't capture the sense of terror I usually feel when my boat leaves harbor.

This is probably my favorite photo so far.

Puffins!  Of 106 photos, this is the only one that captured any birds.

We got to sail into one of the sea caves in the cliff...very cool.

I was surprised how much I enjoyed this portion of the trip. I was also pretty amazed that we continued to have such great weather.  Two days in, and we have barely seen any fog and there has been no rain.  I actually had to use sunscreen before getting on the boat.  Knowing that this is the Faroe Islands, it won't last...but I'll enjoy it while it does.

The Witch's Finger

Sometimes the best pictures are the ones you don't take. I am reminded of a scene from The Secret Life of Walter Mitty -- probably because if was the in-flight movie -- where photographer Sean O'Connell is showing Walter Mitty a rare snow leopard he has lined up in his viewfinder.

Walter: When are you going to take it?
Sean: Sometimes I don't. If I like a moment, for me, personally, I don't like to have the distraction of the camera. I just want to stay in it.
Walter: Stay in it?
Sean: Yeah. Right there. Right here.

Sitting on a hill overlooking the formation known as the Witch's Finger, well, that was one of those moments. The hill overlooks several islands, in addition to the formation, and usually provides a spectacular view. When we arrived, fog obscured the entire view, except for the barest outline of the Witch's Finger.  But it was just such a peaceful spot, a place where all of your senses (well, all of my senses, you weren't there) could connect with the surroundings.  There is a sense that the place is one of completeness, and when you are there, you feel your own completeness.
Our intention is to affirm this life, not to bring order out of chaos, nor to suggest improvements in creation, but simply to wake up to the very life we're living, which is so excellent once one gets one's mind and desires out of its way and lets it act of its own accord. -- John Cage
 It's the kind of place you can stay in forever, and the kind of moment you can stay in forever.  But the best part is, it is the kind of feeling that you can have, and keep, and take with you. Whenever you need it, you know it will be there, because it is a part of you...and it always was.

As these realizations dawned on me, the fog began to lift and revealed part of the spectacular show we had come to see.  And yes, I did take some pictures, because sometimes you do need a reminder... and sometimes you want to show off what you've experienced, so that others can share in it. So I'll share just one photo of this place from my camera.
Fog lifting over the Witch's Finger

There is a little more to day 2, but I'll leave it here for now.